Oh, copper. It was after I made my copper dipped candle holder that I truly came to realise that not only was I copper-obsessed, but that with the aid of Hobbycraft, I could make anything in my flat, with the exception of my boyfriend perhaps (though I'm sure there's a way...), copper. So naturally, when I pulled out this poor old mirror, in desperate need of some TLC, I immediately reached for my copper enamel spray paint to give it a copper-infused new lease of life.



1. Clean and thoroughly dry the mirror (or frame). I don't know about you, by my mirrors always get small specks of makeup on (and that's without the dust these thing naturally accumulate!), so before painting I gently cleaned my mirror with a sponge and warm water.
2. Stick magic tape all of the mirror or glass. Obviously I didn't want to paint the actual mirror (or glass if painting a photoframe), it would be a pretty ineffective mirror then, so before painting I was sure to cover these areas. To do this, I completely covered these areas with strips of tape slightly overlapping each other.

3. Cut around the mirror (or glass) with a craft knife and remove any tape covering the frames. Using a craft knife, I then cut around the mirror and peeled off the tape that was covering any parts that I wanted to paint.
4. Spray the copper paint all over. This was so satisfying. I love spray painting things anyway, but spray painting something completely copper was just heavenly.

5. Once dry, peel off the tape on the mirror (or glass). I left the paint to dry overnight and then the next day, carefully peels off the strips of tape.
...and that's it!
Although the style of the mirror is perhaps a bit old fashioned, I actually really like the contrast between that and the more 'current' copper colour. This technique also works great with photo frames and I have so many frames that I'm now desperate to also spray copper. Unfortunately, my boyfriend isn't quite the fan that I am and so I'm trying to reign in my copper spray paint obsession... but we'll see how long that lasts!
How have you refurbished any old mirrors or frames?