I'm not very good at thinking up new years resolutions OR sticking to them when I do against all odds actually think of them. This year, motivated by reflecting on the past year which has been challenging at times and which I could definitely have made easier for myself, I thought it would do me good to set myself some concrete targets (perhaps calling them 'targets' instead of resolutions will help?!) for both life and blog.
Maybe writing them here and taking the time to illustrate them will firmly cement them in my mind. Or perhaps more likely, the sheer shame of returning to the blog on the 31st December 2016 with my tail between my legs and a confession of failure, will make me complete them. Here's hoping!

Argh, this is just the worst and rather annoyingly came to mind so immediately. I literally do no exercise, which, I suppose in a way is a positive when thinking of increasing how often I exercise (the only way is up!), but the thing is, I really just don't like it. I love competitive sports but these days I have such little time that the most efficient way for me to exercise would be either in a gym or on some equipment at home, which are both boring, time-consuming and expensive. Hmm, is it me or does it sound like I'm trying to justify myself and convince you that I don't have the time or the funds to do it?! I've almost convinced myself to remove it from the list! But in reality, of course I do. So, (*deep intake of resentful breath*) here's to a year of regular exercise.

This one I'm really pleased to include as I've been wanting to do a giveaway for so long. With each of the blog's milestones (e.g. 100 twitter followers, 200 twitter followers) I've intended to do one (I even have a 200 twitter followers giveaway draft post written!) but each and every time I've stopped myself, worrying about what to giveaway and whether the winner will be pleased with what they receive. Ultimately though, I'd love to do one to say a huge thank you to those who read, comment, follow and support my doodles and this blog. It's given me so much more confidence in myself and in my skills. So, like ripping off a plaster, next year I will hold a giveaway for every bloomin' milestone we get to (eek)!
Thank you to all of you have followed, commented, retweeted, liked and supported my crafty and art endeavours this past year. You've motivated me to turn something I enjoyed doing but really never gave enough time to into a proper hobby. Each and every like and comment inspires me to strive to do better and over the last year in particular, it has given me the 'oomph' and confidence to blog more consistently, share my arts, crafts and rambles more openly and start my very own Society6 store.

Heres one that is really important for me. For as long as I can remember I've been a 'worrier', which although I've come to accept as being one of my many (many) quirks, more recently I've started to wonder if my worries, particularly about what others think of me, are actually getting in the way of my life, and happiness. Whilst getting inspiration for my resolutions, I stumbled across this post, which is full of some fantastic ideas to improve mental health in 2016. I'm definitely going to try a few of them (I love the memories in a jar idea!) and plan to generally be nicer to myself, get enough sleep and accept that I can't please everyone.
Thank you to all of you have followed, commented, retweeted, liked and supported my crafty and art endeavours this past year. You've motivated me to turn something I enjoyed doing but really never gave enough time to into a proper hobby. Each and every like and comment inspires me to strive to do better and over the last year in particular, it has given me the 'oomph' and confidence to blog more consistently, share my arts, crafts and rambles more openly and start my very own Society6 store.
Thank you so much and I hope you all have a very happy new year and that 2016 brings you everything you want it to.