I know, I know, more pom poms. But following my post on how to make pom poms using a fork my brain has been full to the brim of crafty ways to use them. What with spring supposedly in full swing (it's actually been intermittently sunny, snowing, raining and thundering here in the UK the past week...) I thought it was time to inject some colour into my otherwise completely neutral bedroom and what better way to achieve this than by adding some fun and colourful pom pom cushions!

Primark cushion | 16 x Pom poms | White cotton thread | Scissors
Primark cushion | 16 x Pom poms | White cotton thread | Scissors
What do you think?
Let me know in the comments below!

1. Buy or make 16 pom poms in a variety of bright spring colours. For help with making your pom poms, head over to this super easy tutorial. I chose to make mine in three different colours so that I could alternate colours. But why not make multi-coloured pom poms? Or pom poms all in the same colour? The options really are endless!

2. Thread your white cotton through a needle and tie a knot in the end of the cotton. I used a really thin cotton thread and so I needed to tie several knots in exactly the same place to get a knot that was big enough to hold the pom pom.

3. Thread the pom pom on using the needle before pulling it down to the knot(s) and removing any excess cotton below it. When pulling the pom pom down to the knot, be sure to give it a gentle tug to make it will hold. Once you're happy it will, grab your scissors and cut off any visible cotton beneath the pom pom and knot.

4. Secure the pom pom to the cushion using the needle and thread. I chose not to open up the cushion and remove the stuffing for this step as it was just so difficult to get it back in when I decided to wash the cover. So instead, I sewed the pom poms on with the stuffing still inside and just made sure to hide any knots under the pom pom and it actually wasn't too tricky!

5. Repeat these steps so that you have pom poms attached at regular intervals around the cushion. I chose to have 5 pom poms on each side and so spread them out accordingly however it is entirely up to you however many you have - sew on pom poms until your heart is content!

...and that's it!
This has to be one of my favourite DIYs so far. I love how quick and easy it was to get quite a professional result (if I don't say so myself). The cushions I used here are these lovely textured white cushions that I found in Primark and I chose the colours as I really like how turquoise, mint and lemon yellow clash in that 'deliberate and co-ordinated' kind of way.
What do you think?
Let me know in the comments below!