Copper has taken home decor by storm within the last couple of years and like many others, I fully approve. With it's earthy tones, copper seems to go with everything and adds a little bit of rustic chic. Thankfully, craft stores and craft product companies have jumped on the copper bandwagon and given us lots of different ways to create our own copper accessories. After receiving lots of Yankee votive candles from Santa this year, I realised that I don't have many candle holders suitable for them and so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get my copper on!
It's been a couple of months now since I went to Malaysia (where has the time gone!) and with Christmas so soon after I got back, all of the arts and crafts I was doing were appropriately festive so the blog obviously followed suit. I absolutely love Christmas, and love doing Christmas crafts and then blogging about it, but it does mean that I haven't yet had the chance to share my memories and experiences of the places I visited in Malaysia, like Penang; an island on the north-west coast of Malaysia.
I'm not very good at thinking up new years resolutions OR sticking to them when I do against all odds actually think of them. This year, motivated by reflecting on the past year which has been challenging at times and which I could definitely have made easier for myself, I thought it would do me good to set myself some concrete targets (perhaps calling them 'targets' instead of resolutions will help?!) for both life and blog.