Apologies for being a bit quiet on the blog / instagram / twitter front this month. The last few weeks have been a bit rubbish in terms of work and stress. As much as I am enjoying this job, it's hard in a way like no other job I've ever had before. In the past I've always felt able to keep my work and home life quite separate but this course requires so much of my personal time as well as personal reflection that it's kind of hard not to be both personally and professionally challenged.

On Friday though, after a hellish deadline day on Thursday, I had a study day and gave myself the entire day off. It was a super sunny day and after a lovely morning out with my parents, I spent the afternoon in their garden sunbathing and painting. It felt like it had been ages since I had been able to just sit and have a long paint, and I think that in reality it probably had been.

After having a 'me' day, I feel so much better than I did. It's so easy to get caught up in our busy lifestyles, careers and studies that we forget to prioritise ourselves. It's so easy to do, and I'm certainly guilty of it, but when you step back and think logically about it... it's kind of silly.

Finding time for ourselves is so important for us to remain physically and mentally healthy, which, in turn, is essential for us to work or study effectively. I tend to be a bit all or nothing and throw myself in to one thing whilst neglecting other aspects of my life. I don't really need to say that this isn't the best way to maintain a healthy balance and probably explains some of the stresses and strains I've been feeling this past month.

"It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.”
~ Mandy Hale
So I wanted to share the painting I did on my day off (surprise surprise, it's ANOTHER panda!) and also to share the story behind it with you. Partly because I'm really aware of how neglectful I have been of ISOSCELLΔ and partly because sometimes it's just so easy to forget whats really important in life.
Let me know what you think of the panda painting and of this post in general - it's a bit of a different/deep one for me - in the comments below.
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