Rather sadly I didn't have time to do a little illustration this week and so I wasn't able to upload a MOTIVΔTIONΔL MONDΔY post. I've not only been busy getting ready for the upcoming changes in my life, but perhaps because of all these changes, my body decided to give in to one illness after another. So as a bit of a treat, I had a relaxing afternoon/evening in on Friday and watched endless romcoms, ate an entire chocolate orange and painted my nails. I love triangles on absolutely everything from cushions to jewellery, and so they ofcourse made an appearance on my nails!
Inspired by the lyrics of the wonderfully summery and cheerful 'Home' by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, here's another little illustration and quote combo this rainy Monday morning. I took pictures as I was doodling this one, so you can see how I did it....
Not quite MOTIVΔTIONΔL but if like my partner, yours feels that you have far too many shoes and often argues that this PΔRTICULΔR pair you are drooling over are no more special than the other thirty (ish) you have already, then this is your perfect (and wonderfully nonsensical) argument in favour of purchasing them anyway...
Too often we listen to our sceptical inner selves and the pessimistic views of those around us. But as Walt Disney once said, if you can DREΔM it, you CΔN do it.
So have a lovely Monday and keep on dreaming...
Monday blues
Although having a job that you like lessens the horrible feeling you get from 'Mondays', the first Monday back after a holiday, no matter what job you're in, is beyond bleak. So to cheer myself up as my first day back at work approached, I decided to make a scrap book/photo album for all of my holiday photos and bits and bobs.
I love giving gifts to my friends and family. What with furnishing the flat and slowly becoming accustomed to paying bills however, I am rather lacking in funds and so this year I have had to get a bit creative. A few of my friends are aware of how much I enjoy making polymer clay jewellery and have commented that they like those that I have made in the past (e.g. Aztec Bunting Necklace and Tea & crafts), so when their birthdays came up, I decided to make them a necklace myself. Using some materials I already had, I gave them each a totally unique necklace and saved myself a few pennies in the process.
I have returned!
It has been a very busy couple of months and so inevitably I have neglected my poor little blog. In the last couple of months I have moved from 'the village' (as I like to call it) to Brighton and started a new job - both of which I have now settled into rather nicely!
The pursuit of perfection
As much as I love creating sketches of panda's and other whimsical little illustrations, it's always annoyed me that I can't draw realistically. For
some reason, I find faces, hands and feet really difficult to draw. I
think this is partly because I've got it in my head that to draw
someone, it has to look exactly like them - and that pressure just stops me from even starting.
I love looking back through old photos, facebook albums and anything else I can get my hands on. In my last minute packing for my upcoming move to Brighton, I came across these pieces of artwork in a rather dusty plastic folder tucked behind our piano in the garage and so I thought I'd share a few of my faves...