
Wow, it has been such a long time since I actually wrote a blog post. It probably seems like I've completely forgotten about this lovely little bit of the internet but in reality my mind has been full to the brim with ideas and I've been beavering away designing and creating a new site for ISOSCELLA.

No doubt, Blogger has been good to me over the years. Google Adsense approval was a breeze, you can easily sync with Google Analytics and the user interface is intuitive. But as I approach my final year of the Doctorate and quite possibly the end of my 23 years in education (I'm not even exaggerating), I'm getting to the point where I want to spend more of my free time focussing on this blog, my art and on crafts. And who knows, with all that time, maybe I'll have time to make enough stock to have my own stall at local craft fair...!

I love how easy Blogger is to use, but call me a perfectionist, I want a bit more freedom and flexibility to create blog posts that look and feel exactly how I want them to. So, in a bid to do this, I've spent the last 2 months (in between essays and deadlines) creating a new website on Squarespace. Although a lot more expensive than Blogger, Squarespace is a drag and drop blogging platform which I'm hoping will give me the flexibility I'm after. 

So, farewell Blogger, it's been great! On to our next adventure with Squarespace... 

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