It's all go again here, officially back to work and studying. I can't believe how quickly my three and half week annual leave went, however I did have a lovely time (I guess time does fly when you're having fun!) and did a few little crafty projects which I had so much fun doing. Whilst doing them, I took lots of photos and blogged about them afterwards which I have scheduled to post on here in the coming months. I even have a spreadsheet (thank you for the idea Dorkface!) so for the next few months I will be beautifully organised (or at least, that's the plan...) and even if I'm chocker at work, things should be a bit more consistent on here (hurrah!). In the spirit of feigning organisation, I thought I would get my nails looking a bit tidier (you'll see the state that they were in in my upcoming blog posts) and share with how I decided to neaten them up.